Class 6 - Video Program
All students follow these given video lectures. These lectures start from class one to class right. Hopefully you will find these lectures helpful.
Here you can find Math, English , Islamiyat , Urdu , Computer, Science and Social Studies lectures.
learners and student can watch and learn from this videos.
All Lectures || English Lectures
The Ransome of Red chief
Questions & Answers
A funny story about a kidnapping that goes wrong for the kidnappers! The little boy in this story is a challenge the
kidnappers cannot handle. Tell the pupils to look out for his terrible behaviour. The author of this story has written
it in the voice of one of the kidnappers. He is not a well-educated man, as the pupils will see from the way he
speaks. Ask them if they can spot when he is not using Standard English. For example, in the second paragraph:
Bill and me should be Bill and I. Use this opportunity to discuss why we need to know the difference between
Standard and Non-Standard English.
Suggestions and answers
A Comprehension
1. Answer the following questions.
a. The story is set in the state of Alabama in the south of the United States of America.
b. The two man decided to kidnap someone because they wanted two thousand dollars to buy some
c. The first sign that the kidnappers have picked a difficult victim is that he throws a rock at Bill’s
head. (Pupils could also say that it is when he puts up a fight when they put him in the buggy.)
d. We learn that Ebenezer Dorset is a prominent citizen, known for his wealth, which he made from
lending mortgages and making foreclosures.
e. Encourage pupils to read through the passage and look for clues about Sam and Bill’s wrong-
f. Pupils can pick out any number of details. Some suggestions are: We learn that Johnny Dorset is
nine years old, has red hair, talks a lot, is violent (he kicks and bites), has a great imagination, is
not popular with his neighbours, and he likes camping.
g. He played a game in which he imagined he was a Red Indian.
h. Bill tried to release Johnny before they had the ransom because he is being driven mad by the boy
(who had been pretending that Bill was his horse!).
i. Sam and Bill got Johnny to go home by telling him that they were going to play with a new toy his
father had bought him.
j. Bill said that he would be over the Canadian border in ten minutes, which has not possible. He
meant that he would be going as far away as possible to get away from Johnny.
k. Johnny exhausted, enraged, and frightened the two men. Get pupils to give examples of the things
he did and the effect his actions had on the men.
l. Pupils will give their own reasons for feeling sympathetic to Johnny, Ebenezer, Bill, or Sam. Discuss
all the characters and the reasons why we might feel sympathetic to them.
2. Answer the following questions with reference to context.
a. At last, I fell into a troubled sleep, and dreamed that I had been kidnapped and chained to a tree by
a ferocious pirate with red hair.
i. Sam is dreaming about Johnny.
ii. He has kidnapped Johnny but the kidnap is not going according to plan.
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iii. Sam is the kidnapper, not the victim, but in his dream the roles have been reversed.
b. ‘I think Mr. Dorset is generous for making us such an offer.’
i. Bill to Sam.
ii. Johnny’s father. He is offering to take Johnny back if the kidnappers pay him.
iii. It is usually the other way round: the ransom is paid to the kidnappers, not by them!
While Reading: At this point in the story, it looks like they might. Pupils will give their own views. Get
them to to give their reasons.
Challenge: Pupils will say which parts they think are funny and why.
B Working with words
1. Use these words and phrases in sentences of your own. Discuss them first.
Pupils will make up their own sentences.
2. Look at these sentences from the passage and change them into Standard English:
a. Bill and I had about six hundred dollars.
b. I was ridden like a horse.
c. Is it not awful, Sam?
d. Sand is not edible!
3. Find two or more meanings for each of the following. Use your dictionary.
Pupils should look up the words. Some have two very different meanings; some have different
meanings for the verb and noun.
a. rattle Verb: make or cause to make a rapid stream of short, sharp knocking sounds
Noun: a thing used to make a rattling sound
b. scalp Noun: the skin covering the head (excluding the face).
Verb: to take the scalp of an enemy
c. home Noun: a place where one lives, the native habitat, a headquarters, the starting position
Verb: to go or return to one’s residence: to be guided to a target
d. glance Verb: to take a brief or hurried look.
Noun: a brief or hurried look
e. figure Noun: a number. a person’s body shape
Verb: to calculate or work out
f. prominent Noun: important; well-known; sticking out from something
g. store Verb: to keep or accumulate (something) for future use
Noun: a quantity or supply of something kept for use as needed
h. curse Verb: to utter offensive words in anger or annoyance
Noun: a solemn utterance intended to invoke a supernatural power to inflict harm or
punishment on someone or something
i. noise Noun: a sound, especially one that is loud or unpleasant or that causes disturbance.
j. moment Noun: a very brief period of time; an exact point in time
There are other words in the story which you might also like to ask the pupils about.
C Learning about Language
Discuss subject and predicate with further examples of your own.
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1. Write the following sentences in your exercise book, putting a box (or brackets) round the
subject and a line under the predicate.
a. (Bill) rose slowly.
b. Be good, (Johnny).
c. Now (I) want you to go home.
d. (Nobody), got any sleep because of the noise.
e. Just do it. (you)
2. Add suitable subjects to the following so that they become complete sentences.
Pupils will use their own words.
D Listening and Speaking
Johnny talks a lot! Find the paragraph that contains his speech during dinner. Take turns to read it
aloud. Imagine you are Johnny. How would he say these lines? Act it.
The pupils can have fun while practising how to speak rapidly, in character. Johnny has his mouth full, he
speaks nonsense, rapidly and with excitement.
‘I never camped out before, it’s fun; but I had a pet once, and I was nine last birthday. Are there any real
Red Indians in these woods? I want some more gravy. Do the moving trees make the wind blow? We had
five puppies. What makes your nose so red, Hank? My father has lots of money. Are the stars hot? Do
oxen make any noise? Why are oranges round? A parrot can talk, but a monkey or a fish can’t.’
E Composition
Imagine that you are Johnny Dorset. Write about what happened to you. Use details and phrases from the
passage if you wish.
Workbook: pages 11–15
A Subject and Predicate
Read these sentences.
Review the text with the pupils. Give further examples on the board.
1. Break the following sentences into subject and predicate. Write the sentences in the space
provided below.
Subject Predicate
a. Monica shook her head.
b. My house is too small.
c. He nodded his head and left the cottage.
d. Eva gazed silently at the fire.
e. The giggling stopped abruptly.
f. they Where else are to play?
g. we For a while sat in silence.
h. you Can tell me?
i. (you) Come out of the kitchen.
j. (you) Do exactly as I say.
k. you Can tell me?
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B Idiomatic language
1. Here are five sentences. Read them carefully, paying special attention to the italicized words.
Talk about what you think each one means. Can you say the sentences in a different way?
Oral: Use the phrases in further examples. Further explanations are given in 2. below. Note that in
some of the sentences the phrases are used in a literal sense: ran through. She ran through the house.
Compare with: run through (rehearse) the play, run through (go over) the lines of the poem; run through
(pierce, stab) with a sword; they ran through (depleted) the supplies in a week.
made for: to move towards a place
set ( ) to work: made (someone) do work
ran round: extended, stretched round/along
turn on: become hostile towards; switch on (lit); depend on, hinge on, produce suddenly or bring forth
(turn on the charm);
ran through: went from end to end (lit).
2. Read the following explanation and write your own comments.
Discuss all the meanings, and use the expressions in meaningful sentences.
3. Rewrite the sentences. In place of the italicized words, use the verb ‘run’ in its idiomatic sense.
a. run across b. run away with c. run down
d. run off e. runs out f. runs to
4. Rewrite the following; use words from the box.
Encourage the use of the dictionary.
a. followed and captured b. was used up c. sew (her a dress) quickly
d. accumulated e. serve f. encountered
Lesson Plans
For detailed suggestions, refer to pages 14–17.
Lesson 1
Textbook Time: 40 min
• To read and enjoy a funny story written in a character’s voice.
• To improve reading skills
• To expand vocabulary
Task Time
1. Reading of the text and explanation of the unfamiliar words 20 min
2. Begin with Exercise A, Question 1. 15 min
3. Continue with Exercise A, Question 2 and Challenge these can be discussed and then
completed as homework.
5 min
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Lesson 2
Textbook Time: 40 min
• To form grammatically correct sentences
• To expand vocabulary
• To practise using a dictionary
Task Time
1. Attempt Exercise B, Question 1. 15 min
2. Attempt Exercise B, Question 2. 10 min
3. Continue with Exercise B, Question 3. 10 min
4. Recap the lessons taught. 5 min
Lesson 3
Textbook Time: 40 min
• To revise subject and predicate
• To develop speaking skills
• To develop critical thinking skills
• To practise writing a letter
Task Time
1. Attempt Exercise C, Questions 1 and 2. 20 min
2. Continue with Exercise D. 15 min
3. Discuss Exercise E and set it as homework. 5 min
Lesson 4
Workbook Time: 40 min
• To identify subject and predicate
• To use idioms and phrases correctly
• To expand vocabulary
• To develop directed writing skills
Task Time
1. Attempt Exercise A. 20 min
2. Attempt Exercise B, Questions 1 and 2. 15 min
3. Continue with Exercise B, Question 3; work can be continued in the next lesson. 5 min
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Lesson 5
Workbook Time: 40 min
• To expand vocabulary
• To practise using a dictionary
Task Time
1. Continue with Exercise B, Question 3 from the previous lesson. 10 min
2. Attempt Exercise B, Question 4. 15 min
3. Recap the learning points of the unit. 15 min
Class 6 - Video Program
All students follow these given video lectures. These lectures start from class one to class right. Hopefully you will find these lectures helpful.
Here you can find Math, English , Islamiyat , Urdu , Computer, Science and Social Studies lectures.
learners and student can watch and learn from this videos.